Mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) often used in family law to help individuals and families settle their legal disputes without going to court. During mediation, the opposing parties with or without their individual legal representation will meet with the neutral, third-party mediator. In Oklahoma the mediator is often an attorney. This attorney not only is well versed in the specific aspects of Oklahoma laws, but has a good understanding of the policy and procedures that may or may not affect your case.
It’s another cost-effective way for parties to save money and resolve their issues without having to spend a lot on litigation costs.
Here at Law Offices of Emilyn Potter we engage in mediation at all stages of the lawsuit. Our staff is ready to help the parties come to an agreement and prepare the final necessary documents needed to finalize your divorce, custody, paternity matter so that everyone can go on with their newly structured life.
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(918) 890-0881